
SG-3026Double-layer oscillator
SG-3026 type double-layer oscillator is more similar products with advanced technology and reliable quality products
SG-3025Convolution Oscillator
SG-3025-type oscillator is based on the views of the majority of users, technical personnel from the company designed new products
SG-3024 reciprocating oscillators
SG-3024 reciprocating oscillator is a preparation of biological samples of biological and chemical training equipment, this type of oscillator is the same quality products, advanced technology and reliable products
SG-3022series of drug oscillator
SG-3022 series of drug oscillator (penicillin oscillator) has been widely spread in hospitals, epidemic prevention, and other units of the injection room, mainly for penicillin and other drugs used mixed.
SG-3021 series decolorization shaker
The product is the company and the Chinese Academy of Sciences research institute to develop the latest shaking of the apparatus used in a variety of gel staining, bleaching, gels, fixed, test
SG-3020 series adjustable oscillator
SG-3020 series oscillator is a way to sample a variety of conditions in the same biochemical oscillation mixing apparatus
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  • 劉先生

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